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Psychic Practices

LEVEL 1 - $444

Open Yourself to Your Full Potential!

Join me for this weekly, in-person exploration and development of your personal connection to Source Creator and the World Unseen. Get an introduction to connecting to Spirit!


Start the deep and profound journey you will take with yourself, for as we learn to listen to the subtle realms, we discover just how loud and transformative they are in our daily lives. A journey to connect with Spirit is a journey inward, ultimately, to connect with the Source within.


Learning the subtleties of that connection and highly personal language are rewarding beyond measure. When these skills increase, the trust you develop with your Spirit Guides, Intuition and Metaself allow you to navigate your life with more certainty and clarity.


In this introductory class, you will:

  • get an introduction to crystals, their properties, uses and care

  • discover various divination tools like pendulums, crystal balls, tarot decks, etc.

  • discuss our Spiritual experiences and cover all questions - beliefs will come up that will be examined

  • practice reading a sitter in psychic exercises

  • learn about and practice remote viewing


Other content will be included in the class, as the energies and my guidance will require a fluidity to the structure. All students will be accountable for the energy they bring to each class, and therefore their results with learning. Be kind to others and accepting of all beliefs and backgrounds, and respectful to all.


When and where?

April 17th — May 22nd, 2024

6pm — 8pm

Class will run on Wednesday evenings this spring! 

You + Me Studio

668 Beach Rd Suite 1,
Qualicum Beach, BC
V9K 2R1


Open the doors of communication between you and Spirit.

A more magical you is on the other side.

There are limited spots available for this class, on a
first-come first-serve basis. You will be contacted either way and updated on your status.

Thanks for registering!

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